The New York Post e-Edition

From the left: Attack of the Vax Aristocrats

Riffing off Jimmie Kimmel’s elaborate “Anti-Vax Barbie” gag and other elite assaults on the vax-resistant, TK News’ Matt Taibbi takes aim at “the spectacle of posh celebs sneering at hicks who won’t take the jab,” a “smartypants act” often rife with “outrageous errors,” such as CNN stars “blasting Joe Rogan for taking a drug ‘intended for livestock’ (Rogan’s human ivermectin dose was prescribed by a doctor).” This “shame campaign has been a catastrophe as public health strategy” but “effective as aristocratic misdirection, a way to keep the public’s eyes off the vault.” That is: “Without constant drumbeats about the treacherous stupidity of anti-vaxxers and ‘domestic terrorists,’ at whom would the bulk of Americans’ anger be directed now?”





New York Post